Adult Ministries
Sunday School
Adult Sunday school is held after Sunday morning worship from 10:40 to 11:20. The focus is topical typically lasting 5-8 weeks often covering a book of the Bible but also including relevant subjects from a Biblical perspective.
Small Groups
There are a number of small groups at Faith meeting at various times through the week to study God’s Word. There are men’s groups, women’s groups, and mixed groups. Please contact the church office for a listing of the groups either by phone 920.668.6725 or by email
Women’s Fellowship
The Women’s Ministry Team seeks to advance the gospel by equipping women to grow in Christ and with one another through His Word. They are a collection of women who are passionate to see other women grow in Christ and with one another through His Word. Some of the areas that this team provides resources, facilitation and support for are:
- Bible Study Groups
- Women’s Annual Conference held at Faith Reformed
- Women’s Conferences and Retreats
- Prayer Events
- Mentoring the future young women of the Church and Community
- Multigenerational mentoring opportunities
Men’s Fellowship
The Men’s Ministry Team seeks to disciple the men of the church to become more Christ-like in our homes, in our communities, and in our places of work. The team provides opportunities for fellowship through social gatherings, an annual men’s retreat, and through bi-monthly men’s breakfast gatherings at the church.
Wednesday Prayer Group
Each Wednesday night, a group gathers at the same time as our youth programs, Quest and Connect (6:30-7:30pm), to pray for our members, community, and to glorify God. This group is open to all. We start off the prayer meeting by reading a short passage from the Bible and the pray over that passage. After that, we bring our prayers of adoration, confession, thanks, and supplication to our Father.