Children’s Ministry


Quest is a ministry for 5K-5th graders that meets on Wednesday nights at Faith Reformed from 6:30-7:30 (with game time from 6:00-6:30). The goal of Quest is to help students learn, love, and live the foundational truths of the Bible. The curriculum is based on the First Catechism, which consists of 150 kid-friendly questions-and-answers. During large group time (6:30-7:00), students are introduced to a new set of biblical truths, sometimes with the help of our puppet friends, Cassie and Caleb. In small group (7:00-7:30), students treasure these truths in their heart through prayer, crafts, and memorization games. Each week, students also have the opportunity to recite the truths they have learned and receive a prize!
If you wish to register your child for Quest or want more information, please contact Jon Damkot at 920.668.6725 or

Sunday School

After the morning service each Sunday during the school year, we hold Sunday school for all ages from 10:30-11:20AM. Children age 3 through 8th grade cover age-appropriate Bible curriculum from Great Commission Publications.

Christmas Program

Each year on a Sunday evening during the Christmas season, children age 3 through 5th grade minister to the congregation through a Christmas program! The kids present the story of Jesus coming to earth by reading scripture, singing songs and acting. The program teaches the Christmas story to the people in attendance but also the kids participating in the program!

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Faith partners with Calvary OPC to hold a Monday-through-Thursday Vacation Bible School for 4-year-olds through 5th graders.  VBS is held at Calvary (136 W Union) during a week in mid-July.  Each day, kids learn Bible lessons based around a theme, sing praises, make crafts, learn memory work, play games and even enjoy a snack based on the day’s lesson. Each year at VBS money is raised to support a Christian organization.  At the end of VBS on Thursday, parents and friends are invited to a closing ceremony to see what the kids learned during the week.

Camp Calvin

Students exiting grades 3-8 are invited to attend Camp Calvin!  You can learn more about Camp Calvin at this link!