Children’s Ministry
Quest is a ministry for 5K-5th graders that meets on Wednesday nights at Faith Reformed from 6:30-7:30 (with game time from 6:10-6:30). The goal of Quest is to help students learn, love, and live the foundational truths of the Bible. The curriculum is based on the First Catechism, which consists of 150 kid-friendly questions-and-answers. During large group time (6:30-7:00), students are introduced to a new set of biblical truths, sometimes with the help of our puppet friends, Cassie and Caleb. In small group (7:00-7:30), students treasure these truths in their heart through prayer, crafts, and memorization games. Each week, students also have the opportunity to recite the truths they have learned and receive a prize!
If you wish to register your child for Quest or want more information, please contact Jon Damkot at 920. 668.6725 or
Sunday School
After the morning service each Sunday from 10:30-11:15, we have a variety of different ways to learn and grow. Our children ages 3 through 1st grade learn from the Bible using David C. Cook’s Bible in Life curriculum. Children grades 2-8 cover the Gospel Project curriculum, which teaches through the entire story of the Bible.
Christmas Program
The elementary school children also minister to us through a Christmas program each year. The kids present the wonderful story of Jesus coming to earth and being born as a Man to reach the world He loves so much. With fun parts and serious parts, the program is a wonderful time for everyone as they watch the kids tell the Christmas story once again, so we all remember and never forget the joy that the very first Christmas brought us.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Faith Church is part of a community effort to provide a week during the summer where kids from preschool through 5th grade can get together, laugh, sing praises, have fun, do crafts, and – most importantly – get to know Jesus better. A typical day at VBS involves singing praises to God, hearing a Bible story presented in dramatic fashion, application of the story, making a craft that helps to reinforce the Bible story, and spending time having snacks and playing games at recess. Each year at VBS money is raised for a mission project that has been chosen for the week. At the end of the week, parents and friends are invited to an ice cream social and program where kids sing and the audience gets an idea of what the children have been learning throughout the week.
Camp Calvin
Students exiting grades 3-8 may attend Camp Calvin (you can learn more about Camp Calvin at this link)!