Our Sponsored Missionaries
“…and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria,
and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

Wycliffe: Todd and Darlene Voskuil
Todd and Darlene Voskuil were both born and raised in Cedar Grove, Wisconsin. They were married in 1982 and were active members of Calvary OPC. In 1990, the Lord guided them to become missionaries with Wycliffe Bible Translators. By December we became members and were commissioned by our church, with our two children at that time, Ryan and Angela, to go to Papua New Guinea to serve missionary teens and their families. After our service in PNG, they were given an assignment at JAARS, Wycliffe’s technical support center, in Waxhaw, North Carolina. JAARS vision is that people’s lives and communities are transformed as they experience God’s Word in their own language. Todd is the business manager over the Logistical Services Department, which provide the necessary goods and services to all Wycliffe’s overseas entities and members around the globe.

W.I.L.D. Mike and Ann Prom
Mike and Ann Prom were married over 35 years ago at Faith Reformed and raised their three children, Becky (married to Sanford), Eric (married to Jenny) and Ben in Rhinelander, WI., while serving in youth ministry there. Five grandchildren are a part of Ann and Mike’s family. Over the years Ann has served in various administrative ministry roles. Mike is currently founder and director of Wise Intentional Leadership Development (WILD), an international, interdenominational spiritual leadership ministry and impacting countries in Africa and Asia along with here in the US. WILD works with all ages and strategically involves women and young people, helping all to think biblically as leaders. Material on spiritual leadership development, Biblical worldview understanding, Bible characters, and youth leaders’ training are provided free of charge, offering discipleship training to many who would not otherwise receive such help. Additionally, Mike was Director of Headwaters Christian Youth (HCY) in Rhinelander, of which WILD was birthed out of, and currently serves as HCY Administrative Advisor

Cat Lake – Matt and Ashley Klockenga & Ron and Jen Keres
Serving side by side are Matt & Ashley with children and Ron and Jen with their children. These young missionary families are serving the First Nations peoples in Northwest Ontario which is only accessible by plane most of the year. They trained for two years at To Every Tribe. They have a passion for making Christ known in the places where the gospel is not established. Their long-term goal is to help the First Nations people in this region establish their own self-sustaining, self-reproducing, Native-led church founded on the gospel of Jesus Christ and the word of God. They believe God has called them to live among the people and do life on life discipleship. The agency they are under is called To Every Tribe.

All Saints Reformed – Ben Kappers
Pastor Ben Kappers is a native of Hingham, Wisconsin and is married to his wife of fifteen years, Melanie. Pastor Ben and Melanie have six children: Caleb, Grace, Anna, Drew, Luke, and Elizabeth. Melanie is from South Holland, Illinois; she plays the piano and organ and homeschools their children.
Pastor Ben is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS (M.Div.) and Orlando, FL (D.Min.). Ordained in 2011, He has twelve years of senior pastor experience serving churches both in the Reformed Church in America and the Presbyterian Church in America. His call with All Saints is as an evangelist to Southwest Utah under the oversight of the Northern California Presbytery of the PCA.

Compassion International
Our Sunday School students sponsor 2 children through weekly offering.
Kartik Bunarjee – Bangladesh
Daniella Osei – Ghana
Kartik Bunarjee – Bangladesh
Daniella Osei – Ghana

Converge – Tom and Tanya Clyde
Tom and Tanya are missionaries in the U.K. partnering with national leaders and among diaspora communities to create church planting and revitalization networks. To see these many communities and peoples reached with the gospel, it will take a work of God and the collaboration of churches, organizations and believers. Many communities have no Jesus followers or witness of the gospel. In addition, there are over 5 million people living in the Uk and Ireland from least-reached people groups.

The missionary we support through this ministry must remain anonymous for security purposes. The mission of Frontiers is to inspire transformational movements to Christ within least-reached Muslim people groups by sending teams to catalyze change, because even the most uncharted frontiers need Jesus.

PCA Missions to the World
Mission to the World prepares and serves 543 long-term missionaries and 996 short-term missionaries in 100 countries around the world. They are committed to the establishment, growth, and maturity of the church.

Pioneers – Fergusons
The Ferguson’s spent 2 years in China before they had to leave abruptly due to the political unrest. They have since identified an opportunity in Croatia to bring the gospel to the Deaf. The Deaf have their own language and their own culture and are largely a forgotten people group. There is no Deaf language which has the complete Bible translation and the language of Deaf people are not the same across the world. We are excited to partner with them as the Deaf brings a new people group into our support web and one that we had not considered until now.

India Transformed
India Transformed engages caring people to invest in transformation among India’s needy. They care for the poor and destitute across India by empowering Indian people to transform their families, communities, nation and the world. Our church specifically supports a community transformation center which is the heart of the church planting movement by sending Indian believers to Indian peoples throughout India. We support a native who is in this two-year training program.

Words of Hope – Jon Opgenorth
An international media ministry working to build the church throughout the world. Focusing on hard to reach areas because of poverty, geography or social antagonism toward Christianity by partnering with existing Christian organizations in these places and equipping them for more effective ministry.

World Team – Kelsey Corpas
Kelsey works with World Team, a church-planting organization. In Madrid, they build relationships and bless the community through helping people grow in an integral way – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. They desire to help people discover and live out their natural design. They also help athletes through mentoring and coaching materials. In the women’s workout community, they also offer nutrition and physical fitness help. It’s exciting to help people discover sport/fitness as worship to God! While fitness is a great tool, it’s not the only one being used in Madrid to bless the community. Kelsey and her coworkers also help others improve their English and host Discovery Bible Studies to allow others to see what the Bible says for themselves. She is so grateful for your partnership in this work!

PMI – David Doty
Rev. David and Gloria Doty serve as church planters in Taiwan. David received his Master of Divinity and Gloria her Graduate Certificate in Theological Studies from Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. Together they served in a number of Chinese churches in the United States before moving to Taiwan in February 2022. David is an ordained Teaching Elder of the Ohio Presbytery, Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). In addition to planting churches, David and Gloria write and record music for the church in both English and Mandarin Chinese, posting free musical resources to daviddotymusic.com and recordings on various online music streaming services.

Christians Witnessing to Israel – Stephen Atkinson
Christians Witnessing to Israel (CWI) is a ministry whose goal is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Jewish people around the world. Some 42% of the world’s Jewish population resides in the United States. Therefore, besides sending out individual missionaries, the primary aim of CWI is to motivate, equip, and empower local churches to engage in Jewish evangelism. To this end, Stephen Atkinson, the director of CWI – North America, logs tens of thousands of hours on the road each year, speaking at dozens of churches. For more information on CWI, you can visit their website at https://www.cwina.org/